Kingdom Hearts
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The last boss for 358/2 Days other then Riku

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The last boss for 358/2 Days other then Riku Empty The last boss for 358/2 Days other then Riku

Post  Admin Sun Jan 03, 2010 7:02 pm

Since I have seen many people needing help on these bosses here are some tips:
Xion has a limit to.To avoid that glide away.
Xion:If theres a noise when she charges her keyblade then jump up and glide.
Xion:If theres no noise block it
Xion:Bring alot of potions and cure spells.Make sure you hav eauto block or perfect block or both.Slide dash i have heard really helps
2.She has four forms so this battle will not end soon.


Posts : 5
Join date : 2010-01-03

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